
Areas of Services



Having the right structure for your business is a key to success and profitability. We’ll help you with setting up your business structure in a way that positions you to scale and grow your business.



As a start-up or small business, your management strategy and tools you use can make or break your dream of owning a successful and profitable business. We help you become and remain management-savvy by identifying your management style and implementing your management plan for success.


Compliance is the key to remaining in business. We’ll help you navigate through the regulatory and compliance maze in your industry. Rest assured, you will be at peace with this pain point.



The startup and small business marketplace is ever -changing, especially in light of COVID-19. Our company can keep you abreast of the latest issues that impact your business. We can assist with identifying and implementing strategies that maintain your competitive advantage, while staying in compliance with ever-changing rules.


We are available to provide training services to businesses, government agencies and non-profits in the areas of compliance, management, and intellectual property protection.



Protecting your intellectual property is another key to business success, protecting your brand, and profitability. We can help with identifying the best approach for trademark and copyright protection, assist with filing for such protection, and how to monetize your valued asset.

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.”

— Les Brown